Denise Moore

Denise Moore


Phone: 210-342-4346

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As a recently minted, certified paraplanner, Denise helps in whatever way is necessary to ensure that our clients’ needs are being met. She is attentive and detail-oriented, both good traits for someone in the financial services industry. It is her goal to ensure that all clients receive the highest level of attention. She is relatively new to the industry, and since joining the firm in 2017, she has gotten 2 licenses in addition to her Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional designation. Prior to joining the firm, she worked in the non-profit world for over 20 years in a variety of capacities including geo-statistical analyst, database manager/analyst and advocate. She is also a published author.


Denise is not a native Texan, but has made a home here for the last 28 years with Kevin, her husband of almost 35 years, their two children and their ever-changing menagerie, which currently consists of only 2 dogs and 4 cats. She holds a BS degree from the statistics department of the George Washington University.


Denise and Kevin currently live in downtown San Antonio. Their daughter Perry received her Master’s Degree from UT Austin and is living with her husband and teaching high school in San Antonio. Houston. Their son graduated with a degree in architecture at Cal-Poly. He is currently employed by a national design/build firm in San Francisco, CA. Denise and Kevin love to travel, both with the children and without. They also enjoy walking their dogs by the San Antonio River, reading, playing games and trying new experiences.